Systems Planning & Design

We use the SCRUM methodology for software and web project management. What is it?

SCRUM breaks down larger and bespoke projects into small iterative time-boxed "sprints". Each sprint concludes with a team review to re-prioritise requirements for the next sprint. The continuous improvement approach factors in discovered problems, new requests, and changes. A backlog document is the project audit log.

Because failing to plan is planning to fail.

Our platforms and partnerships make up the richness of our service offering.

Customers look at four aspects when considering a supplier. These aspects are the skillset to solve your problems; the quality of the service, the alignment to your needs, and the pricing of these services. These four aspects directly impact on your experience and the quality of the solutions that are provided to you.

Choose a technical partner wisely: you inherit their platforms and partnerships.

Information is now expected at the fingertips of customers and staff.

Given over 50% of searches are now done from mobile and portable devices speaks volumes about businesses needing to develop their platforms for immediacy. Businesses that cannot provide services with up to minute information are doomed in a technology rich future. Why? Because savvy users will go somewhere else. 

The end user experience is critical to the loyalty of your customers.

Business process management (BPM) is the discipline of improving a business process.

By analyzing it, modelling how it works in different scenarios, executing improvements, monitoring the improved process and continually optimising it, certain efficiencies and cost reductions can be obtained by the business. From a more abstract or higher-level perspective, BPM may be considered a view or representation of real-world work.

Certain efficiencies and cost reductions can be obtained by the business.

Branding is the process of creating and disseminating your brand name.

Building a brand is simply about creating trust using a recognisable and lasting impression in the minds of customers. This starts with a logo and extends into website theming, social networks, website and print imagery, email signatures, business cards, vehicle wraps and other marketing material. 

Brand recognition through repeated exposure builds trust in clients and prospects.